‘The Buzzard’ Online

The SOS is joining many similar organisations in moving to electronic delivery of its quarterly magazine, The Buzzard. It is estimated that most members now have access to the Web and will be able to download and save the “e-Buzzard” on their own desktop or laptop computers, tablets or even smart phones. It is hoped that over the next few months, delivery via the Web will become the norm and mailed paper copies will be mostly phased out.

Not only does online delivery of the SOS magazine save time and effort on the part of SOS volunteers and reduce the Society’s paper usage but it saves money now allocated to printing and postage, money that is better spent on bird and bird habitat conservation and surveys. In addition, you will receive your magazine more quickly and in a format that several have remarked renders the colour images that now grace The Buzzard in a more vibrant form than when printed on paper.

The traditional printed magazine will be retained for those unable to access the online version. However, it is envisaged that electronic delivery will become the standard method of publication in the future.

Shifting from paper to electronic delivery is easy. The steps are as follows.

  • Go to the foot of this page and click on the link ‘Complete the Request Form for the e-Buzzard’ to indicate your preference for the online version and to provide the email address you would like to use for receiving the notice about the availability of a new issue.
  • Your email address will be added to our e-Buzzard list and, when the next issue of The Buzzard is published, you will receive an email containing a link to use access the issue.
  • You can then download the issue and save it to your own computer or other device for future reference. This is important as superceded issues of the magazine will be removed  from the website as new ones become available.

The magazine will be in PDF format, a standard document format for this type of publication. If you do not have the software to display a PDF, it is available online at no cost and you will be provided with instructions on how to get it when you access the current issue.

If you have any concerns or questions about this change, please feel free to contact the web administrator at webmanager@shropshirebirds.co.uk or (01694) 724 170.

We are enthusiastic about this new method of getting The Buzzard to you and am sure that the transition can be made in an efficient and straightforward manner over the next few months.

  • John Arnfield
    Chair & Website Manager, SOS
  • Tim Devanney
    Editor, The Buzzard

Sign up for the e-Buzzard NOW!

Follow the link below to access an online form to request the online version of The Buzzard.

Complete the Request Form for the e-Buzzard

Page updated: 24/02/2021