The SOS is the recognised body through which observations of species seen in our County are submitted, recorded and made available for bird study locally, nationally and internationally.
If you have any notable bird reports, please send them to BirdTrack or to the County Bird Recorder John Martin. For more information on submission of records click here.
Please note that BirdTrack is now the recommended method of submitting records to the Shropshire county recorder. Data submitted via this means is returned to the Society on a regular basis and contributes to our knowledge of County bird life, including preparation of the annual Shropshire Bird Report.
Regrettably, the number of bird reports submitted for these pages has declined in recent years, perhaps because of the suitability of social media sites for this type of information. Hence, we are no longer accepting sightings but suggest that you may wish to use the Shropshire Ornithology Twitter or Facebook platforms for this purpose. However, please do not reveal location information on sensitive breeding species. For more information on such records, please read this SOS policy statement.
We would also remind you of the importance of sending your data to BirdTrack.
Previous bird record data will be retained here as an archive. Remember that these are unconfirmed reports. They are organised by calendar year. Select the year required from the following menu.
/ 2010 / / 2011 / / 2012 / / 2013 / / 2014 / / 2015 / / 2016 / / 2017 / / 2018 / / 2019 / / 2020 / / 2021 /