Copyright is held by the photographers of images shown on this page; do not use them without the permission of the copyright-holder.

Peregrine, Venus Pool, 19 November (Mike Whitfield)

Green Woodpecker, Venus Pool, 19 November (Mike Whitfield)

Red-necked Grebe, fishing lake adjacent to Venus Pool, 12 November (Alan Williams)

Red-necked Grebe, fishing lake adjacent to Venus Pool, 12 November (Alan Williams)

Goldeneye, Venus Pool, 12 November (Alan Williams)

Whiffling Canada Geese, Venus Pool, 8 October (Terence Arch)

Kingfisher, Venus Pool, 13 September (Antony Ross)

Wood Duck (foreground), Venus Pool 13 August (Terence Arch)

Grey Heron, Venus Pool, 2 August (Mike Whitfield)

Little Egret, Venus Pool, 2 August (Antony Ross)

Green Woodpecker (immature), Venus Pool, 17 July (Mike Whitfield)

Kingfisher, Venus Pool, 9 July (SOS member)

Mediterranean Gull, Venus Pool, 5 July (Mike Whitfield)

Little Egret, Venus Pool, 25 June (Antony Ross)

Hobby, Broseley, 23 June (SOS Member)

Swift, with an extremely full throat, off to feed nearby young. Broseley, 22 June (SOS member)

Oystercatcher parents with day-old chick (one of two), Venus Pool, 25 May (Terence Arch)

Grey Heron, Venus Pool, 19 May (Antony Ross)

Great Crested Grebes (mating ritual), Venus Pool, 30 April (Terence Arch)

Oystercatchers, Venus Pool, 30th April (Mike Whitfield)

Brambling, Venus Pool, 11th April (Terence Arch)

Blackcap, Venus Pool, 2nd April (Alan Williams)

Sand Martin, Venus Pool, 2nd April (Alan Williams)

Peregrine, undivulged location, 25th March (Terence Arch)

Goldcrest, Church Stretton, 21st March (John Arnfield)

Confrontation between Canada and Egyptian Geese, Venus Pool, 19th March (Terence Arch)

Cattle Egret, Ellesmere, 7th March (Paul King)

Greenland White-fronted Goose, River Severn above Atcham Bridge, 27th February (Alan Williams)

Greenland White-fronted Goose, Atcham, 23rd February (Paul King)

Kestrel, Venus Pool, 7th February 2019 (Mike Whitfield)

Sparrowhawk, Venus Pool, 25th January 2019 (Mike Whitfield)

Peregrine, The Wrekin, 25th January 2019 (Mike Whitfield)

Shovelers, Venus Pool, 17th January 2019 (Mike Whitfield)

Kestrel, Venus Pool, 17th January 2019 (Mike Whitfield)

Common Snipe, put to flight by a passing Sparrowhawk, Venus Pool, 9th January 2019 (Terence Arch)

Bewick’s Swam, Venus Pool, 8 January 2019 (Alan Williams)

Lesser Redpoll, Venus Pool, 8 January 2019 (Alan Williams)

Marsh Tit, Town Park, Telford, 6th January 2019 (Alan Williams)

Great Northern Diver, Chelmarsh Reservoir, 2 January 2019 (Dawn Micklewright)
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Page updated: 21/11/2019