Middle Wood Road (16 Dec) – 3 male Reeves Pheasants Just off Bringewood end of Middle Wood road. Spotted at 3pm. (Scott Reid)
Church Stretton (5 Dec) – Eleven siskin on silver birch trees today in garden (David John)
Chelmarsh (2 Dec) – The Great Northern Diver was still at Chelmarsh this morning, but very mobile. Also, 2 or 3 Water Rails ‘squealing’ in the phragmites at the Causeway end. (Steve Haycox)
Church Stretton (1 Dec) – Female blackcap feeding on fat balls. Also 2 male pheasants hoovering up suet lumps! (Dave Richardson)
Cockshutt (20 Nov & 2 Dec) – 2 sightings of Great White Egret (GD Ashley)
Plowden (21 Nov) – An amazing flock of 60 Red Kite this evening at 4.15pm circling over Plowden before roosting somewhere nearby presumably. Never had more than 28 before (Pete Jennings)
Church Stretton (19 Nov) – grey wagtail in garden off Ludlow road (Roger Greenwood)
Pitchford Park (30 Oct) – Further to record of 17 October there were 31 Buzzards on wheat (Nigel Barratt)
Long Mynd (Wildmoor) (21 Oct) – Group of 5 red kites (Anna McCann)
Long Mynd (Robin Hoods Butts) (20 Oct) – Flock of 9 Brambling over, Ringtail Hen Harrier, and 150 Golden Plover (David Stafford)
Long Mynd (18 Oct) – Adult Male Hen Harrier hunting over Wildmoor (Dave Stafford)
Pitchford Park (17 Oct) – 18 buzzards feeding on a recently sown crop of winter wheat (Nigel Barratt)
Benthall (9 Oct) – 2 redwing (Glenn Bishton)
Condover (8 Oct) – Redwings -7 over Berriewood at first light then a mob of 20+ west mid morning. The house martins reported on earlier finally fledged on the 29th – a very late departure (Nigel Barratt)
Long Mynd (7 Oct) – An immature Ring Ouzel (probably female) was in Carding Mill Valley perched in a rowan tree and a dead bush on the hillside just beyond the junction for the Lightspout Waterfall. A Red Grouse was seen not far from the Shooting Box car park (Mark Rolfe)
Choulton (5 Oct) – 2 Redwing, first of the autumn here (Peter Jennings)
Eyton, Lydbury North (2 Oct) – 18 Red Kite following the plough (Peter Jennings)
Shrewsbury (25 Sep) – At Greyfriars Bridge on Severn. Mixed in with mallard and black headed gulls, adult male American Woodcock. One wing clipped so obviously recent escapee (Alec Gordon)
Buildwas (24 Sep) – 3 little egret feeding in ditches (Glenn Bishton)
Ironbridge (10 Sep) – Little Egret on River Severn (Glenn Bishton)
Long Mynd (4 Sep) – Juv. Marsh Harrier, Wildmoor, watched until roosted (Dave Stafford)
Condover (2 Sep) – House Martins still feeding 2nd brood young in the nest at Little Berriewood. Hopefully time for them to make it south (Nigel Barratt)
Long Mynd (1 Sep) – Ringtail Hen Harrier, Wildmoor (Dave Stafford)
Bridgnorth (13 Aug) – Little Egret between the two bridges (also on the 19th and 23rd) and two in the same area flying upstream on the 18th (Nigel Brown)
Leighton (19 Jun) – Cuckoo calling – twenty times over fifteen minutes, 2 red kite (Glenn Bishton)
Choulton (12 Jun) – Tree Sparrow – pair with six dependant young outside our kitchen window on scattered bird seed mix (Pete Jennings)
Choulton (9 Jun) – flock of at least 33 Long-tailed Tits through the garden this morning. Biggest flock I have seen since 1976! Also Goshawk hunting the feral pigeons and corvids around the farm (Pete Jennings)
Brandwood, Near Myddle (8 Jun) – Pair of peregrine falcons seen hunting a pigeon which was dropped. Disturbance with crows for several minutes whilst peregrine tried to pick it up from ground (Helen Ratcliff)
Blackhill, Clun (5 Jun) – Nightjar, also Fem Goshawk earlier and 2 singing Garden Warblers (Dave Stafford)
Church Stretton (5 Jun) – Pied Flycatchers nesting in nestbox on oak tree in garden – a return after several years’ absence (Michael Bowler)
Church Aston (5 Jun) – Hobby, hunting, 19:00 hrs. (Jamie Maclauchlan).
Battlefield, Shrewsbury (4 Jun) – Red Kite, pm. (Roger Penprase)
World’s End, Church Stretton (10 May) – Great White Egret in wetlands (Nigel Strachan)
The Wrekin (6 May) – 7 pied flycatcher, 2 redstart, 1 wood warbler, 3 tree pipit, 3 garden warbler, 3 peregrine (Glenn Bishton)
Bridgnorth (5 May) – above the Severn, an osprey, quite low, attacked by gulls and drifted away up river (Leo Mullan)
Long Mynd (4 May) – Hobby hunting Round Hill; Whinchat, Ashes Hollow; Pair Spotted Flycatchers, Little Stretton near campsite (David Ackland)
Long Mynd, Cow Ridge (3 May) – Hobby hunting (Dave Stafford)
All Stretton, Farm Lane (2 May) – Great Egret in pond on the lane (Jonathan Allan)
Plush Hill, Long Mynd (27 Apr) – Female Whinchat (Dave Stafford)
Wrekin (23 Apr) – 5 pied flycatcher, 5 willow warbler, 1 tree pipit, 1 red kite over summit (Glenn Bishton)
Choulton (18 Apr) – Lesser Whitethroat singing (before Common Whitethroat here and not even a Willow Warbler yet!) (Peter Jennings)
Broseley Wood (16 Apr) – Still at least two brambling, one of each sex, frequenting my feeders. Also the regular bullfinch pair (Andrew Cooke)
Church Stretton (15 Apr) – 22 Brambling, including 4 stunning males in breeding plumage, 2 reed buntings, 2 siskins, 1 redpoll. 4 chaffinches. Not bad for a 30 x 30 foot viewing area! (Dave Richardson)
Leighton (14 Apr) – Egyptian goose 2, sand martin 34, little ringed plover 3, mandarin 7 (Glenn Bishton)
Buildwas (14 Apr) – Sand martin 8, linnet 120 in stubble (Glenn Bishton)
Broseley Wood (7 Apr) – Still at least 4 Bramblings around my feeders. And we’re getting well into Spring now. (Andrew Cooke)
Shrewsbury (1 Apr) – Pair of red kites in Radbrook and Quarry Park area (Nikki Haycox)
Long Mynd (22 Mar) – Red kite and female hen harrier (John Clark)
Church Stretton (20 Mar) – fieldfare has been a daily visitor to the garden for the past week. Sees off the blackbirds! (David John)
Ironbridge (18 Mar) – Female blackcap on feeders (Glenn Bishton)
Leighton (17 Mar) – Red kite sighted near river meanders just before Leighton (Joanne Aston)
River Severn, Shrewsbury (14 Mar) – 6 Goosanders (near English Bridge), American Wood Duck (100 m upstream) (Shona & Andrew Frost)
Lydbury North (11 Mar) – Three Hawfinch in the churchyard (and the trees surrounding it) along with Bullfinch, Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Goldfinch and Siskin – a finch extravaganza! (John Arnfield)
Clunton (5 Mar) – G. Grey Shrike still around after snow melt, often close to muck heap in the quarry by roadside hedge between Clun and Clunton (David Stafford)
Market Drayton (1-3 Mar) – over the last 3 days we have had 6+ red wings feeding in our garden. We have lived here for 16 months and have not seen them before (Chris Plimbley)
Leighton (25 Feb) – 2 Red kite, little egret, 4 mandarin, 2 teal, 7 goosander, snipe (Glenn Bishton)
Broseley (2 Feb) – Pair of Hawfinches in garden (anon.)
Rae Brook (21 Jan) – Albino magpie along the Raebrook this morning, inbetween the playing field and the back of Sainsbury’s. Definitely a magpie with no black plumage. (L. Carpenter)
Whitcliffe Common, Ludlow (14 Jan) – Good viewing of approx 15 Hawfinch in treetops but v mobile between Whitcliffe road and riverside paths (Harvey Sherwood)
Bury Ditches (14 Jan) – Short-eared Owl (Richard & Ann Pearce)
Clun/Clunton area (13 Jan) – Great Grey Shrike again seen hunting from roadside hedge between Clun and Clunton at SO312812. This location approx 1 mile North of regular Black Hill GGShrike sightings (Harvey Sherwood)
Buildwas (14 Jan) – Little egret feeding in horse paddocks adjacent to River Severn (Glenn Bishton)
Bury Ditches (10 Jan) – Crossbill – at least 28 by track between car park and hill fort in larches, beech and birch including several red males and lots of singing and calling. Also Willow Tit and Green Woodpecker (Peter Jennings).
B4368 between Clun and Clunton (6 Jan) – Great Grey Shrike in hedgerow along road below Radnor Wood – also seen before Christmas (Ed Griffiths).