Oswestry (28 Dec) – Osprey, seen just after midday 3 miles west of Oswestry. Its clear and distinct under plumage colouring vivible at a distance of less than 100yds (Tony Faulds)
Church Stretton (28 Dec) – Male Blackcap continues to visit feeding station on a daily basis. This is presumably one of the southern German birds that visit the UK in winter. Food preferences are fat blocks and hulled sunflower seeds (John Arnfield)
Church Stretton (11 Dec) – 8 Bullfinches (4 pairs) on silver birch. Sandford Avenue, Church Stretton (David John)
Church Stretton (4 Dec) – Male Blackcap visiting garden fat feeder repeatedly all day (John Arnfield).
Long Mynd (2 Dec) – Kestrel (female) and Stonechat above Hell’s Mouth (David John)
Church Stretton (7 Nov) – Eight Redwings in rowan – largest garden count to date (John Arnfield).
Choulton (4 Nov) – Visible migration over Choulton: Totals flying north today in flocks, mostly before 10am: Wood Pigeon 4,875, Redwing 1,904, Fieldfare 532, Starling 264,Chaffinch 82 (Pete Jennings)
Church Stretton (22 Oct) – Dipper (with yellow ring) on Ash Brook, between Shrewsbury Road and Russell’s Meadow (Geoff Kerrison)
Choulton (17 Oct) – Group of four Jays flying over very high from south to north. Lots of sightings of single Jays toing and froing recently. No acorns this year the reason. Also 39 Red Kite and 15 Buzzard following the plough and cultivator/drill. (Pete Jennings).
Choulton (30 Sep) – Single Redwing this morning. First of the autumn here (Pete Jennings)
Craven Arms area (26 Sep) – House Martins – after seeing none for a few weeks there were 6 flying around our property approx. 6.15 tonight. They nest in next doors eaves every year but numbers have dropped in recent years (Rob Tromans)
Choulton (21 Aug) – Single Curlew with colour ring and wing-tag (Peter Jennings)
Venus Pool (17 Aug) – 7 Black-tailed Godwits (Mark Southall)
Donnington, Telford (1 Jul) – Single Red Kite over gardens 7.15 p.m. Soared and climbed around for approximately 5 minutes before moving away (Simon Tudor)
Ratlinghope, Darnford Valley (30 May) – Black Redstart (M) seen near the Long Mynd at the top of the Darnford Valley (Dave Annal)
St Martins (25 Apr) – Cottage Lane: red kite seen circling over Southern end of the lane this morning before it eventually glided away to the East (Les Cadwallader)
Long Mountain (25 Apr) – Beautiful male whinchat on Shropshire side of Long Mountain but not sure if it was in Shropshire! (John Clark)
Titterstone Clee (24 Apr) – Cuckoo flying 230 pm (Rob Beddall)
Attingham Park (8 Apr) – Willow tit seen and heard (John Clark)
Brown Clee (8 Mar) – 1 Lesser Spotted Woodpecker on eastern slope deciduous woodland. Heard and seen drumming on horizontal bough 15-20ft up. Drumming sound noticeably weaker with less carry than Gt Spotted (Andrew Moxon)
Totterton (28 Feb) – Chiffchaff singing. Also 320 Fieldfare and 60 Redwing. Little Grebe, Coot and Moorhen on pond (Pete Jennings)
Choulton (19 Feb) – flock of 80 Lapwing flew high over to the west (P Jennings)
Church Stretton (11 Feb) – One snipe seen this afternoon, flying in the characteristic zig-zag way over the Church Stretton wetlands from the nearby Cudwell nature reserve (David John)
St Martin’s (various dates – reported 4 Feb) – Eastern end of St Martin’s. Every morning we have a flypast, roughly East to West of jackdaws. Some mornings there can be several hundred of them. Timing depends on how quickly it gets light. At the beginning of January it was as late as 08.15, but now it is around 07.25. Yesterday I was outside at that time and heard them coming before they came into sight. I assume that they must roost somewhere in the countryside to the East of us (Les Cadwallader)
Atcham area (24 Jan) – Wintering chiffchaff on Atcham to Cross Houses field plus 12 goosander in front of Cronkhill (John Clark).
Brompton (20 Jan) – 200 plus rooks (John Clark)
Page updated: 22/06/2022