Membership Request (Young Person Less than 13)

Purpose of this page. This page includes an online form that is used to join the Shropshire Ornithological Society as a Youth member. Youth members are less than 25 years old on January 1st of the current year. There is no charge for Youth membership in the SOS but there are some parental consent requirements for those younger than 13 years of age. Also note that there may be a requirement for younger members to be accompanied by a responsible adult at SOS events.

SOS Data Protection Standards. You will be asked below to agree to the specifications of the SOS Data Protection Standards governing Society use of your details provided in this membership application. If you are aged less than 13, your parent or guardian will be asked to agree. For information on this, see

How to submit your membership application. Please complete all of the relevant sections below and, if you are aged less than 13, ask your parent or guardian to complete the final section. Then select “Submit” to request membership.

IMPORTANT. Click the “Submit” button only once. This page will confirm receipt of your form contents by echoing back your responses.

I agree to the person named above (aged under 13 years of age) joining the SOS as a Youth member.(required)

I understand that the applicant details given above will be retained digitally by the Society for mailing and related purposes and that communications between the Society and the applicant will be via me as parent or guardian.(required)

Data Protection. I agree to the specifications of the SOS/SOS 2005 Data Protection Standards as outlined in the link in the preamble to this form.(required)



Page updated: 24/02/2024