Local Nature Recovery Strategy

Dear SOS Members,

You may know that a Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) is being prepared for Shropshire, one of 48 covering the whole of England. For more information, see the LNRS Official website https://next.shropshire.gov.uk/environment/ecology-and-biodiversity/shropshire-and-telford-wrekin-local-nature-recovery-strategy/

There is a public consultation questionnaire on the website, which SOS members might like to complete, before the deadline of 16 October.

The intention is to create a Long List of species that are threatened with local extinction, and then a Short List of species that we should concentrate actions on. I’m leading on preparing these lists, and appropriate actions to help their recovery, for the bird group.

The guidance is to use the International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN) Red List, plus locally-determined priorities, to decide which species should be on these lists. In Shropshire, priority should be given to the SOS Red and Amber Lists of Breeding Birds of Conservation Concern in Shropshire.

We are aiming to complete preparation of the Long List by mid-January, and the Short List by mid-March, though both may be amended subsequently as a result of public consultation, or during the approval process by Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin Councils.

A paper recommending the Long List, and candidates for the Short List, along with groups of species (“assemblages”) which can be helped with the same actions, can be accessed here. It will be considered by SOS Conservation Subcommittee at its next meeting on 10 October.

Comments are invited on the paper, and in particular on which species should be on these lists. There are two deadlines, to fit in with the timetable for preparing the LNRS.

  1. Comments on the Long List, including suggested additions or deletions, with reasons, should be sent by 9.00am on Monday 14 October.
  2. Proposals for the Short List, and actions the LNRS should undertake to help them recover, should be sent by 9.00am on Monday 11 November.

Comments should be sent by email to me at leo@leosmith.org.uk.

Thanks a lot!!!
